bricolage project day 2 [girlhood]
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bricolage project day 2 [girlhood]

From the Beach Today’s bricolage comes from the beach at Carkeek Park which has been my go-to place for contemplation for 16 years.  There is little that I can’t process emotionally or mentally when I’m near the water at that particular beach.  My only rule for this piece was that the objects had to come…

bricolage project day 1 [nameless]
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bricolage project day 1 [nameless]

It’s been a minute since I’ve written on this blog, chief among them graduate school at Antioch University Seattle.  I’ll be finished soon and my thesis is done.  Done.  It won’t be long before I have a piece of paper that says MAEd. It’s hard to believe, to be honest.  It’s been a long and…

in the silence
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in the silence

This morning, I led my second writing workshop at a local homeless shelter.  Before I arrived, I chose the following prompt: In the silence I understand… We do 20 minutes of free writing and then share.  I found it interesting that one of the women I was working with could hear but didn’t speak.  I…

i make pretty messes
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i make pretty messes

All of the paradox and contradictions. I always wished I could make pretty things.  I wish I was a pretty thing. But what’s true is I am messy and complicated. I make more messes. I make pretty messes. I’ve been doing some inner calibration lately and ran across this journal entry from earlier this year. …

it’s not about being different, it’s about being
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it’s not about being different, it’s about being

Last week, I wrote about the chaos of the Discomfort Monster.  This week, it’s a different monster all together:  The Gnarly Judgement Monster.  We all have those people in our lives that are like Voldemort in Harry Potter:  He Who Shall Not Be Named.  They are the people that have criticized us or treated us…