La Mort
“He who jumps into the void owes no explanation to those who stand and watch” ~Jean-Luc Godard
vulnerability soft folds (ripped open) revealing deep slash bound peer into darkness (infinite landscape) fractal wound binding like a river winding through a canyon he saw all worlds contained we both saw Her here. now. Ekphrastic poem inspired by the Hana Hamplová: Meditations on Paper exhibit at The Frye Art Museum. I saw it once, alone,…
He found this tiny black feather and gave it to me. He said he thought it was a crow feather and told me not to cast a spell with it. Ha! I told him that even if I did cast a spell, it would be good magic, it would be in service to love and…
deep inside the womb deterministic chaos is ready to wail
Today’s randomly-chosen word comes from the Tao Te Ching. I picked up a copy at a used bookstore yesterday to use for blackout poetry and decided to use it for our word which is others (from book one XX). I don’t have much to say today. I just wanted to paint with my blood again ,…