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current loves

Window To Your Soul by Delirium on Grooveshark my current loves: unmade beds tangled questions midnight conversations well-loved teddy bears coffee breath Delirium (the band, not the state) vulnerability the pause after a thought is spoken deep listening (see above) rest sending postcards in the mail. with stamps. the scent of the yellow primrose on…

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what wants to die?

I drew the Death card from The Mythic Tarot two days in a row. I’m paying attention to that. I’m writing a show right now. It’s a big undertaking to open to a story wanting to be told through you. It’s one thing to perform someone else’s work or just to write something and close…

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the future i desire | the now i am living

Bring it, Universe. This beats being protected within the context of “I’ll protect you in exchange for the right to control you.” So, I’ll bring the winsome smile and let the rest come along. I’ll be the flower just being a beautiful flower and let the bees and the rain and the sun come to…

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The Fool, Horizons and Synchronicity

Me to Gigi: “What do you see?” “A man about to step off a cliff.” “Do you think he’s in danger?” “No.” “Why not?” “I don’t know. I just think he’s going to be all right.” “Why do you think the eagle is there?” “To make sure he is all right.” Hmmm. Indeed. Note: The…