she rejoiced
Butterflies were released from the dark places. Her heart, relieved and stronger, flung itself wider. (and she rejoiced)
Butterflies were released from the dark places. Her heart, relieved and stronger, flung itself wider. (and she rejoiced)
“Darkness is not a pejorative thing.” ~Naomi Watts I just had this thought: Our moment of hubris, our fall from grace, is not just an ending but a perfect beginning. It is the moment we realize the blessing and curse of our own mortality and this end of innocence brings us to the truth of…
I have a strong mind. I used to use it as a weapon. It cut, it slashed, it burned, it hurt. Then one day, I discovered where my true power lives (in my heart), and now I use my mind as a tool. Sometimes this tool destroys (mindfully) but often this tool builds and creates…
in my bedroom on this side of the mirror, i see a world of collected treasures. many given to me by my most precious treasures– the souls i share this life with. things made by hands i have held (and loved). flowers, now dried given to me by little people with cherubic grace. (buttercups, dandelions…
I told him, “We create suffering when we compare what is to our vision of what else it could be.” I realized I needed to hear that myself. So grateful on this day for the reflective mirror of relationships and the journey of the Soul.
(These words were plucked from the heartstrings of Kenny Alton and the Toric field he created as he gave his Senior Synthesis Presentation at Antioch.) Axis Mundi The red wine warming (and his curls) words of love married with intellect heartspace. A tattooed landscape of masculinity lies before me (the heart is a conscious organ…