heart leaf haiku
ecotherapy: leaves fall softly (whispering) hummingbird says hi!
ecotherapy: leaves fall softly (whispering) hummingbird says hi!
Today’s randomly-chosen word is be and comes from The Quantum and the Lotus by Matthieu Ricard & Trinh Xuan Thuan. It’s a fascinating exploration of the intersection of Western science and Buddhist philosophy. I cannot more highly recommend this book. Turns out, I’m in good company: The Quantum and the Lotus is the rich and…
Today’s word, shiver, comes from the book chasers of the light by Tyler Knott Greggson. It’s a lovely book of poetry that my daughter got me. Filled with the tender ache of love and other bits and pieces of a life well-lived, I adore it and open it for inspiration often. Reading the description online…
“We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca Today’s random word is know and comes from Men Undressed: Women Writers and the Male Sexual Experience. I’ve been pondering gender identity lately. There’s been a lot coming out about toxic masculinity and the harm it causes. I’ve been noticing where this lives in my own heart…
The word of the day is her randomly chosen from Rob Brezny‘s book Pronoia is the Antidote for Paranoia. Oh, how I wish I had the energy tonight to delve into her but alas, it has been a full day. I will say that I was at a poetry reading tonight at Columbia City Gallery….
The randomly-chosen word of the day is open and comes from Slut Lullabies by Gina Frangello. I was working as an intern for Emergency Press at the time the book was published so I have a copy of it which still sits unread on my shelf. That will be remedied in the coming months of rain ahead. The…