bricolage project day 14 [shiver]
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bricolage project day 14 [shiver]

Today’s word, shiver, comes from the book chasers of the light by Tyler Knott Greggson.  It’s a lovely book of poetry that my daughter got me.  Filled with the tender ache of love and other bits and pieces of a life well-lived, I adore it and open it for inspiration often.  Reading the description online…

bricolage project day 13 [jungle]
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bricolage project day 13 [jungle]

The book sitting closest to me this morning was The Poetry of Pablo Neruda so today’s word comes from that.  The word is jungle.  Such a vivid image gets conjured in my imagination with that word.  Shadows, panthers, scary things that might kill me.  Places unknown. I don’t feel like writing today.  Just playing with…

bricolage project day 12 [know]
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bricolage project day 12 [know]

“We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca Today’s random word is know and comes from Men Undressed: Women Writers and the Male Sexual Experience.   I’ve been pondering gender identity lately.  There’s been a lot coming out about toxic masculinity and the harm it causes.  I’ve been noticing where this lives in my own heart…

bricolage project day 11 [her]
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bricolage project day 11 [her]

The word of the day is her randomly chosen from Rob Brezny‘s book Pronoia is the Antidote for Paranoia.  Oh, how I wish I had the energy tonight to delve into her but alas, it has been a full day.  I will say that I was at a poetry reading tonight at Columbia City Gallery….

bricolage project day 10 [open]
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bricolage project day 10 [open]

The randomly-chosen word of the day is open and comes from Slut Lullabies by Gina Frangello.  I was working as an intern for Emergency Press at the time the book was published so I have a copy of it which still sits unread on my shelf.  That will be remedied in the coming months of rain ahead. The…

bricolage project day 8 [“waking-life”]
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bricolage project day 8 [“waking-life”]

This Waking Life I went biking around Greenlake with my daughter this afternoon so I decided to make my bricolage there with whatever I found.  The graffiti was already on the table and I love it.  Love the color and the form.  My rule was that everything had to come from the ground.  You will…