bricolage project day 19 [be]
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bricolage project day 19 [be]

Today’s randomly-chosen word is be and comes from The Quantum and the Lotus by Matthieu Ricard & Trinh Xuan Thuan.  It’s a fascinating exploration of the intersection of Western science and Buddhist philosophy.   I cannot more highly recommend this book.  Turns out, I’m in good company: The Quantum and the Lotus is the rich and…

bricolage project day 17 [joy!]
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bricolage project day 17 [joy!]

The word of the day is joy! from my well-loved copy of Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman. Today’s bricolage is a little video from a walk I took with my older daughter today.  I love the way the water in the creek has a kind of woven, herringbone pattern.  She and I sat and…

bricolage project day 15 [result]
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bricolage project day 15 [result]

As a Result of Tensions Today’s random word, result, comes from Archetypes & Strange Attractors:  The Chaotic World of Symbols by John R. Van Eenwyk who I had the pleasure of hearing speak at Antioch University Seattle many years ago.  Because I love the text so much, it serves nicely as today’s quote: “As we…

bricolage project day 13 [jungle]
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bricolage project day 13 [jungle]

The book sitting closest to me this morning was The Poetry of Pablo Neruda so today’s word comes from that.  The word is jungle.  Such a vivid image gets conjured in my imagination with that word.  Shadows, panthers, scary things that might kill me.  Places unknown. I don’t feel like writing today.  Just playing with…

bricolage project day 12 [know]
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bricolage project day 12 [know]

“We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca Today’s random word is know and comes from Men Undressed: Women Writers and the Male Sexual Experience.   I’ve been pondering gender identity lately.  There’s been a lot coming out about toxic masculinity and the harm it causes.  I’ve been noticing where this lives in my own heart…

bricolage project day 10 [open]
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bricolage project day 10 [open]

The randomly-chosen word of the day is open and comes from Slut Lullabies by Gina Frangello.  I was working as an intern for Emergency Press at the time the book was published so I have a copy of it which still sits unread on my shelf.  That will be remedied in the coming months of rain ahead. The…