love | photography | poetry | sexuality | the delicious now
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art | creativity | faith | healing | poetry | Rebirth24 | self-excavation | the delicious now
sometimes empty
grace | healing | love | photography | quotes | the delicious now
speaking of blessings (we are the dancers)
A friend of mine sent me an email with this lovely blessing: I hope things are going well for you, that your health is heading in the right direction, that you’re having fun and having adventures. What a glorious thing to hear! She was having a hard time sleeping, I popped into her head and…
cause and effect
cause and effect you drag your nails along my flesh delighting in my response cause and effect you find all my buttons and press them expressing joy at each sigh cause and effect you pull me tight in morning light luxuriating in my scent and softness cause and effect you telling me I make love…