filled up with goodness
When my body is filled with endorphins and sweat is rolling down my back, there’s no room for anything but
“Fuck, yeah!”
“That’s right.”
and other bits of goodness.
This morning, I led my second writing workshop at a local homeless shelter. Before I arrived, I chose the following prompt: In the silence I understand… We do 20 minutes of free writing and then share. I found it interesting that one of the women I was working with could hear but didn’t speak. I…
Today was a day of new beginnings. All that ONE energy flying around must have been part of it. Cleansing old thought patterns happened early in the day through some meditation and writing and I felt the energy pulling me forward all day and realized that the intentions I’ve been setting of noticing more joy…
“I have abused my power, forgive me. You mean we actually are One?” I wasn’t in the mood to study French so I listened to this entire album while biking around the lake the other day. Biking lends itself to deep listening so I heard every difficult word of this song. So good. I’ve been…
His anger is not your fault. His abuse is not your fault. His violence is not your fault. His lies are not your fault. His depression is not your fault. His avoidance is not your fault. His guilt is not your fault. It’s all his: His life, his work, his choices. (You have your own.)…
I noticed this today sitting in the dirt at the base of my jade plant. This withering leaf with the tiny new plant growing from it. It is not attached to anything except the leaf. Rootless. I am on a healing journey that involves a rather significant rebirthing process. This process works by reclaiming all…