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fear | love
i just want to be a woman
My friend sent me this song today saying it reminded her of me. It feels good to be seen thusly and it’s true. Only the truest love is welcome in my heart. It’s what I deserve. He told me I am toxic but everyone else has told me how adorable and adored I am. He…
It has always been so hard for me to believe that I’m truly wanted anywhere. So hard for me be believe people actually loved me. I’ve always left a bag packed inside my heart. Never allowed myself to settle in. Never believed it would last. (indeed, it never did) Today, I’m going to unpack. Today,…
how to live, love and create
Someone recently asked me for tips on being a good writer. I thought about it and realize that it really applies to everything in life. This is all pretty obvious, I suppose, but it’s what I’ve learned the hard way. It’s advice I would give anyone at any stage of life: Find yourself. Get a…
corvette man
At least once a week, we drop off big sis at school early and go to a cafe nearby to do some freewriting or drawing. As we were crossing the street to enter the cafe today, my youngest and I waited for a shiny, black Corvette to park. It was extremely loud as the owner,…