open door
my door was wide open
he flew in
i’m not sure why
did he find what he needed?
i will never know
he couldn’t find his way out
and died
that is the way
i am the sower of seeds you didn’t know you want planted in your heart i am death knocking at the door of your complacency let me in i am the arrow of Light that shoots through the darkness piercing you through aeons we have called to one another here i am come on! it’s…
For years, copying other people, I tried to know myself. From within, I couldn’t decide what to do. Unable to see, I heard my name being called. Then I walked outside. The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don’t go…
In this episode, I talk about getting blocked on Instagram by “art critic” @jerrysaltz, overcoming obstacles, collective care, transformation of self and culture, and why Chani Nicholas (@chaninicholas) has a business model I am emulating.
liminal woman peering into unseen spaces (swimming) stripping bare hidden agendas (treasure in truth) delighting in the scent of autumn and violent rain crashing against (everything) stirring love and spice into her soup (and life itself) greeting the light embracing the darkness (like a lover) liminal woman seeing only circles smiling at the boxes (illusory)
vulnerability soft folds (ripped open) revealing deep slash bound peer into darkness (infinite landscape) fractal wound binding like a river winding through a canyon he saw all worlds contained we both saw Her here. now. Ekphrastic poem inspired by the Hana Hamplová: Meditations on Paper exhibit at The Frye Art Museum. I saw it once, alone,…