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Dragonfly Medicine

Dragonfly Shadow

A shadow on my friend, Julia’s, wall that was cast by a little dragonfly hanging in the window. I drew the Dragonfly card in the Animal Medicine tarot deck by Jamie Sams so I appreciated the synchronicity of seeing this yesterday. Here’s a bit about Dragonfly medicine:

“Dragonfly medicine is of the dreamtime and the illusionary facade we accept as physical reality. The iridescence of Dragonfly’s wings reminds us of colors not found in our everyday experience. Dragonfly’s shifting of color, energy, form, and movement explodes into the mind of hte observer, bringing vague memories of a time or place where magic reigned.

Dragonfly is the essence of the winds of change, the messages of wisdom and enlightenment and communications from the elemental world….on a pychological level, it may be time to break down the illusions you have held that restrict your actions and ideas…See how you can apply the art of illusion to your present question or situation, and remember that things are never completely as they seem.”

As I shift my physical reality and create a new “norm” for myself, I am mindful that I get to choose my new reality; they key is focusing on what I DO want and taking steps to get to where I want to be. Thank you, Dragonfly Spirit, for the reminder.

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