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genderless empowerment and interdependence

“I believe that national sovereignties will shrink in the face of universal interdependence.” ~Jacques Yves Cousteau One of my friends recently got a flat and posted something on Facebook saying she needed to learn to change a tire. I responded by saying, “I can teach you. It’s easy.” A mutual friend said I needed to…

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saturated in amore [a moment of logos in the life of a wandering heart]

your three to my one the amber and the red twenty five cents and a vibrating tilt-a-whirl you spoke of carnivals and dark, dusty paths that lead to where we need to be (to peeking behind the boards where darts come towards our hearts) popcorn with truffle oil meaningless meetings and Hoffa screwing and killing…

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“A true relationship is a celebration of intimacy. Intimacy acknowledges the capacity you have to embrace another to the degree you’re willing to embrace yourself. The heart of intimacy never suggests: “I’m here to help you approve of me.” Instead, the heart of intimacy says, “I choose to love you no matter how you view…

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on my way to him a harbinger wind whipped ferociously the clouds shedding their tears. we spoke of poison and offerings of medicine losses and redemption poems and tears. tonight, my room is drenched in moonlight and I wrap the fabric of our time together around me like a cloak I want to wear more…