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His thunderous laughter and gentle touch. The washing of her feet and tears so easily flowing. Brilliant mind dimpled grin buoyant step (and the warming of my hands). Noble heart and furrowed brow lover of words (and such a lover of me). Flowers and dark chocolate and the washing of dishes. Moments and moments of…

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the turning of the wheel [or "In brightest day, in blackest night"]

(it began and ended with super heroes) sweetness of night cold and clear the lights of the city and the telling of stories massaging out the knots mutuality (the light is nearly at its climax now) rain-soaked honeysuckle blossoms on bare skin in the morning veneration and passion (and the burgeoning fear) “In brightest day,…

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nourished by the truth

“Darkness is not a pejorative thing.” ~Naomi Watts I just had this thought: Our moment of hubris, our fall from grace, is not just an ending but a perfect beginning. It is the moment we realize the blessing and curse of our own mortality and this end of innocence brings us to the truth of…