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divine am i

divine me when i was little Whenever I have moments of self-doubt or unworthiness, I take a moment to remember that I am truly a Divine creation, that every cell of my body is part of the body of Spirit. Even my fears and illusions of separation are part of my Divinity. They are the…


word of the day: divest If we have chosen to attach a negative feeling or energy to an object in our lives and are unwilling or unable to let go or see it differently, it’s wise to divest ourselves of it so that our matrix is clear of energetic debris. I have learned so much…

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the plunge

This morning, during my study/prayer/meditation time, I was drawn to open Gödel, Escher, Bach, by Douglas Hofstadter, to a random page and read the first paragraph that my eyes fell upon. I often do this use books as oracles in this way. My message for the day is this: “This system–the Propositional Calculus–steps neatly from…