spring in all its glorious madness
“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.” ~Rainier Marie Rilke
It is stormy today on this first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. For me, it is the perfect texture for this day. Spring can be a time when Nature feels violent. Everything is pushing up and through the earth passionately, seeking the light. There is a feeling of chaotic frenzy and excitement in the air. Stravinsky felt it when he composed the Rites of Spring. Watching this danced is a joy to behold but just feeling it and letting the feeling take over is even better. I did that at the lake today. As I rode against the wind, it was the perfect start to this season, feeling muscle and sinew pulling and the blood rise to the surface of my skin, just letting it all rage to and through me while I rode. Birds were swirling around in the air in a most disorienting pattern, there were whitecaps on the lake and branches were falling. I felt so alive and engulfed with passion, I could hardly contain myself. Just as the Rites of Spring incited a near riot in Paris when in premiered in 1913, the energy of this season has that affect on me. It stirs me to action and amorous passion. I love it.

As I rode into the wind, I felt that familiar energy of challenge come into me. I thought about how in a battle of wills, there is not contest. I will win. I know how. I like it. Revel in it, in fact. Then, as I turned a corner and the wind was at my back, I thought, when love is present, everyone wins. Getting my own way is only a momentary bit of triumph. Everyone getting at least some of what they want is way more fun. There is grace and flow there. I thought about how good I am at compromise and communication and felt good about that. I thought about how much joy it brings me to feel connected at the heart level. I decided that my physical form is the perfect place for challenge. I LOVE to challenge it.
The heart though, that’s a good place for peace and communion. As I thought that, I saw this heron sitting so peacefully. This side of the lake was calm and beautiful. I enjoyed stopping and just noticing that and letting THAT energy sink in.

So yes, spring brings a glorious kind of madness but it also brings a chance for balance, for new beginnings, for resurrection, rebirth and the sowing of new seeds, projects and new ideas. In my part of the world, it brings rain and sun in nearly equal measure and I’m quite happy for that. I couldn’t help but ride through the enormous mud puddles today and came home wet, splattered and happy. I also saw this at the end of my ride which I will leave you with:

Oh! Before I forget: If you see a tree growing out of my belly later in the year, it’s because a tree seed flew into my mouth and throat when I was riding. I decided to swallow it. That is how you get pregnant, right?