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bricolage project day 2 [girlhood]
Today’s bricolage comes from the beach at Carkeek Park which has been my go-to place for contemplation for 16 years. There is little that I can’t process emotionally or mentally when I’m near the water at that particular beach. My only rule for this piece was that the objects had to come from beach. The…
I’m doing a week of reading deprivation (including e-mail!) as part of the Artist’s Way process. It’s been amazingly good for my creativity and I am learning A LOT about how I spend my time and why. I’ve been doing more of the following life-affirming things: resting playing dancing dreaming writing painting walking creating Here’s…
let this news travel fast then
news travels fast these days (too fast) we hear of a tragedy within minutes of the happening powerlessness sets in and outrage (and deep sadness) let this news travel fast then: i awakened moments ago in a dark room my babies are safe in their bed the night sky is clear and the birch tree…
someday (a fragment of memory)
I see you in your dress with your kind eyes. I know your parents must not have much money. I know about shoes with holes. You smell nice. Like flowers or the rain. I like that you will sit with me. You sit with me. Even though I smell like pee. Even though everyone things…