testing, testing…123
testing, testing…123
I am getting ready for my trip to Hawaii presently. I’m doing a presenation for the National Expressive Arts Therapy Association’s Annual Conference in Honolulu. It feels a little scarey but also exciting. I am most delighted that I get to sink my toes into the sand in Kauai for a week after the conference….
the not-so-secret swing Originally uploaded by torontofotobug. There are times in life when I feel like I’m suspended by a chain, not sure where to go or what to do. I have so long been driven by the need to please others, so long pulled in the vortex of the needs of others… and now…….
Sometimes I want to go back to being little. Sometimes I regret too many things. Sometimes I want to lick everything. Sometimes I don’t know who I really am. Sometimes I don’t give a fuck. Sometimes it isn’t easy for me to be honest about my truest feelings. (Sometimes) Sometimes I am in awe of…
“There are many paths to Love and I believe all of them, at some point, must pass through the gate of compassion.” -Kymberlee della Luce More thoughts on on Compassion: Feel the pain of others. Understand their struggles and disappointments, their hardships and inadequecies, and open your heart to them. Realize that everyone is doing…