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The Surprise Party

The surprise party!

At the macaroni and basketry club

A different environment

(Arm in arm with her daughter.)


“I landed with a babe in my arms.”

He took to the drink (or the drug or the work).

The cycle of


repeats like a mobius strip that binds us to our ancestors.

(Please hand me some scissors)


The audacity of the American Press!

Repeating the same stories. (Scribbling madly.)

Spinning and spinning the same stories.

But there is not a beautiful tapestry.


One mutton joint is missing from the 200 year-old Syrian spinning wheel

(a butcher comes to help out)

This makes me think of my own joints. Bone on Bone.

(I’m not planning on calling a butcher.)


I don’t have a homespun petticoat.

I have this new-to-me dark grey sweater.

(Made by someone’s hands offshore.)

Their dexterous hands!

I don’t have a job at the garment factory.

My hands are not dexterous.


I asked for directions recently.

She answered me with an Irish glint in her eye.

(A stirring of recognition I have never felt!)

People, plants, and animals make our food possible.

(Thanks to the hayseeds)

Over the past month, I’ve written a four-part series on the legacy of Jane Addams and the Hull-House settlement on my Substack newsletter. I wrote about some stories I heard from Fiona Maxwell at an event at the Hull-House Museum. At the event, I jotted down some phrases of words from her stories. I wrote this poem using some of them, weaving them with my own. I find this process very healing and I’m glad for that.

Only one day left of my create-and-post-something-every-day project. aka #Rebirth24

I wonder what it’s going to bring?

A Blessing

May you find your existential courage, dear reader.

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