graffiti in the Vera Project’s gender-neutral bathroom
“My music is the spiritual expression of what I am — my faith, my knowledge, my being…When you begin to see the possibilities of music, you desire to do something really good for people, to help humanity free itself from its hangups…I want to speak to their souls.”~John Coltrane
As I go through the rather grueling task of rebuilding my sites, consolidating them and writing content, I am reminded of why I am here doing this: To “help humanity free itself from its hangups”.
queen of cups trickling tributaries raging rivers bipolar bifurcations she, discerning choosing surrendering choosing life choosing love neither predator nor prey (finally!) an open vessel– at once overflowing and empty ready to fill and be filled
As a final farewell to each man I have loved and lost–whether by your deceit or mine, your projection or mine, your fears or mine–I offer this poem by Lord Byron. Today, I choose love and truth. Today, I choose joy. WHEN WE TWO PARTED When we two parted In silence and tears, Half broken-hearted…
mixed-media collage on pressed board “Safety is a very expensive illusion.” ~Julia Cameron I have had a few experiences recently that have shown me the folly of perceived “safety” and the glorious freedom of stepping out of that illusion. The places I was made to believe were safe ended up being some sort of spring-loaded…
mixed media creation from my art journal “Emotional intelligence begins when you feel what you feel without labels or evaluation.” ~Deepak Chopra I’ve noticed what I feel from the place of observation helps me choose both where I put my energy and how I respond. If I notice that being near something or someone makes…
The hardest thing about ending a relationship (or two)(or three…) is finding a place for that person in your life and dealing with their conflict about where to put you in theirs. I have much love in my heart for people. It doesn’t just go away because a relationship has been reconfigured into something else….