100 Paths to Ecstasy

Little Clowns

I’ve just been visiting Keri Smith’s blog and reading her 100 ideas. She completely kicks ass. I told her so and I’m telling you. Her list inspired me to come up with my own list, “100 Paths to Ecstasy” on my site.

There’s a chill in the air and the sun is peeking out illuminating the moisture all over the green of the garden outside my window. I’m sitting here in my jammies, warm and snuggly in my bed as I type this. The smell of nag champa incense is drifting in from the living room scenting the air with sensual, spiritual spiciness. I am so blessed to have such a spacious life and to have wonderful tools to work with. Today I am thankful for laptops, cell phones, wireless routers, comfy pillows, amazing, supportive friends, and good coffee.

I’m also grateful for my beautiful children (see above). Every day with them is an explosion of sensory pleasure. I adore the smell of their hair, the sound of their trilling laughter, the feeling of their smooth cheeks against mine as they shower me with kisses and the burst of love in my heart that I feel whenever they throw their arms around me.

Life is very, very good.

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