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integrity, co-creation and the word

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. -Aristotle I believe this is true for everything in life; I believe every moment is an act of creation with an infinite number of possible outcomes depending on the choices we make. When I create a piece of…

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the end of reminscilocomotion [or the finding of peace]

I created a new word about something I have done a lot which I am henceforth eliminating from my vocabulary. Yes, that’s right, I am both creatrix and destructrix right now, in this moment. The word is “reminiscilocomotion (verb): the act of moving forward while looking back.” I am not the girl who got “bad-touched”…

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limitless possibility [adventures in conscious creation]

I was looking for this Joy List post from 2005 to remind me of what brings me joy and see if I’m on track. Turns out I am. Much of the things on the list I do frequently, if not every day. This is heartening. I may repost it with some additions but it’s good…