a different kind of empty
“How have you been?” he asked. “Empty. You?” “Same.” he replied. After listening for a bit, I realized it’s a different kind of empty. There is the emptiness of mindfully cutting away all the things that have been killing one’s spirit, and allowing the kind of hunger that keeps you feeling alive. This empty is…
let us water our flowers
even in the winter we need to water our flower let us keep those sacred petals soft, supple and fragrant let us give our beautiful yonis our tender, loving care
winter haiku
encaustic overlaid with digital photo dark and ever darker turning deep within the songbird prepares her flight
what do you mean by that, anyway? (i mean exactly what i said. there is nothing hidden here) why do you have to question everything? (because things need questioned) can’t you ever just be satisfied? (sure, but not with everything and not right now) maybe you’re in this situation because of the choices you’ve made….
yield and overcome
Yield and overcome; Bend and be straight; Empty and be full; Wear out and be new; Have little and gain; Have much and be confused. Therefore the wise embrace the one And set an example to all. Not putting on a display, They shine forth. Not justifying themselves, They are distinguished. Not boasting, They receive…