"Depth" for Illustration Friday
depth of your consciousness
and remember to
depth of our consciousness.
I did a search for Andrea Scher because I love her and wanted to see where else I could find her on the net. During this search, I found a wonderful online zine called Be Real. Could there be a better place to express oneself? Andrea is this month’s featured artist. Her photography is so…
Sometimes I want to go back to being little. Sometimes I regret too many things. Sometimes I want to lick everything. Sometimes I don’t know who I really am. Sometimes I don’t give a fuck. Sometimes it isn’t easy for me to be honest about my truest feelings. (Sometimes) Sometimes I am in awe of…
Something I discovered in therapy is that whenever I was trying to “protect” someone’s feelings, I was ultimately trying to protect myself, my OWN tender, little girl who felt scared of the reactions of others. It’s a bit like finding a little robin’s nest with eggs in tact. We want to save it and make…
in my bedroom on this side of the mirror, i see a world of collected treasures. many given to me by my most precious treasures– the souls i share this life with. things made by hands i have held (and loved). flowers, now dried given to me by little people with cherubic grace. (buttercups, dandelions…