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Morse to Fullerton

Adventure time!

It was one of those beautiful autumn days that shoves you outside to go play.

So I did.

I took the “L” train to meet up with my daughter so we could walk over the Chicago river to see the foliage. I’ll be sharing a photo of said foliage in tomorrow’s newsletter if you want to check that out. Today’s creation started by writing a simple haiku in my pocket journal and turned into so kind of journal-entry-beat-poem thing. It was fun so I’m just sharing here, in my little world, to remember it.

Morse to Fullerton

The Haiku

Slowly on the “L”

On my way to my daughter

Pigeon joins their flock!

The Other Bits

“Wilson is next.”

CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS screams at me in HUGE white letter on an old building.

Glittery pink and white targets.

The Pope and I share opinions about surrogacy.

(Maybe for different reasons.)

My hip is tight.

I hate that my hair is thinning.


(If I shout, will it hear me?)

“Doors closing”

“Addison is next.”

(“Doors open to the left at Addison.”)

[Blue cubs hat graffiti]

The pretty, golden skirt of a honey locust tree.

Advertise here!

(Extravagantly peeling paint.)

“This is a red line.”

“Fullerton is next.”

(“Doors open to the right at Fullerton.”)

A Blessing

May your autumn days be filled with wonder, dear reader.

Bonus Blessing from Chicago and Me.

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