once | now
once, you were
a sometimes painful but often happy memory
a short run with a rich narrative
now, you are
a cruel joke in your contention
you make a fantastic punchline
“forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” ~Mark Twain This is a journal entry that was transmutated from self-loathing to self-love. I am finding that forgiveness of myself and others is the biggest change agent for moving from the constricted, dark space of loathing to the open,…
Such a wonderful example of someone working through their own issues through self-expression. He realized he had been a bully and transmuted that energy into something beautiful. I was recently cyber-bullied. I have been bullied other times in my life–sometimes by people who claim to love me. I have also stood up to bullies on…
angel of the quake she clings to his leg holding up the fractured pillars (white marble with purple veins) she clings to him looking up with such devotion (the master feeds her) she clings to his leg holding on to a crumbling world she is in the rubble now her hands bleeding seeking his eyes…
I haven’t been this sick or this exhausted in a long time. A week ago today, I was caring for my sick daughter and here I am, laying here quietly, letting my daughter be cared for by another and surrendering to this virus that seems to have knocked me down and will let me back…