spontaneous acts of joyful creation

That’s You by Kymberlee della Luce
song by kymberlee and gigi
creation haiku
mother and daughter duo
with joy and laughter
spontaneous creation
That’s You by Kymberlee della Luce
song by kymberlee and gigi
creation haiku
mother and daughter duo
with joy and laughter
spontaneous creation
FORE now so vulnerable our diversity being ignored entitlement reigns (rains) evidence- science- based (base) //drop the bass 808 33″ not 45 in your face// my transgendered son once a fetus now burgeoning manhood facing future (not forbidden) welcomed bidden (prayed for) received loved bright sun (son) future BIDDEN My response to 45’s “forbidden” words….
Yesterday, I wrote a short story for fun based on some words my friends gave me. In response, I received this email from an acquaintance: There have been a very few Matriarchal societies and none that were much above Hunter/gather stage in development. This is not to say that Matriarchy stunts development at all but…
What if the war we see outside of us was just a mirror of the war inside? What if our purpose here isn’t to fight all of that but to just heal our own vessel? What if we stopped criticizing the world leaders and found peace inside our own hearts? What if we just loved?…
i sat watching you in the cafe while you worked (and i smiled) earnestly you leaned forward into the circle into the conversation into the work (you are so beautiful when you lean in) i brought you water and felt you lean into this small gesture i felt your gratitude and delight (my love there…
The two things I want to impart to my daughters that I never saw modeled and am still learning are this: #1 Follow your joy. Always. #2 Walk away from things that hurt or don’t feel good. I wish someone had taught me to say: “I don’t like the way you treat me (or how…