
Spiritual Cowgirl


I’m reading “The Red Book” by Sera Beak. which is basically a book about spirituality written for young women of our time. It’s fab. She calls herself a “Spiritual Cowgirl” and much of what she writes reminds me of my own thoughts/feelings/musings about spirituality. It led me to ponder mySELF today. The me that is here to do the divine dance of creation on the stage of life. Here are my random thoughts about me me me:

  • I like my hair and my sex a little messy.
  • I have a voracious appetite for books.
  • I am drawn to The Mystery of Life like a butterfly to a sticky stamen.
  • I love coffee.
  • I am incredibly tactile and touch nearly everything I see. If I can’t touch it, I secretly want to (unless it’s something like poop. Even then, I’m curious. I just am.)
  • I make lots of messes but I like things tidy. It keeps me busy.
  • I have a deep need for solitude and deeply love people. (I also like a good paradox).
  • There is nothing I love more than sharing beauty with others. Nothing. I could live my entire life noticing something that is beautiful and then finding someone to share it with.
  • I love nag champa incense. It used to remind me of a lover and a very wild night but now it is one of the smells of my life that I wouldn’t want to live without.
  • I love flowers. I could surround myself with them and do whenever possible. I do not, however, like flowery fabric.
  • I love herbs. I love everything about them. The way they dance in the wind, the way they reach out and ask to be looked at and touched and adored (little divas). I love that they are beautiful and healing. I especially love lavender.
  • I am very sensual.
  • I am often intuitive in an unsettling way. I’m working on figuring out how to be a Sixth Sensory in this Five Sensory world.
  • I love to shake my ass to a good beat. I’ll be doing it more since I’m taking the Zen Habits June Challenge. I’m committing to 30 minutes of exercise every day starting today. Yeah, baby.
  • I am very spiritual but not at all religious.
  • I love to play and laugh.
  • I am quite irreverent yet believe that everything is sacred.
  • I love and celebrate life.
  • I am very expressive (thus my business, Unbridled Expression) and tend to use art as a way to pour out my feelings and heal.
  • I believe I am PURE LOVE and I try to live that truth every day.

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