mountain of love
Below is today’s Daily Om Horoscope. I have to say that the longer I live, the more I agree with this perspective. I truly do have beliefs that work for me. The ones that haven’t, I have been morphing into something that works for me. It helps me stay in the present moment and be more present for the people in my life. If we’re always going around trying to change people or situations to suit us, we miss out on the gift of the present moment. I have done a lot of “fixing” in my lifetime which only brought me a false sense of security. These days, I am far more likely to just BE and notice myself wanting to change everything and just approach it all with humor and curiosity. I have learned that if something isn’t right for me, I can speak up and say, “I don’t like that.” and just walk away if necessary. THAT is true empowerment and responsibility and it feels like a much more peaceful choice than trying to wrangle the world into thinking like me.
I can be a mountain of love and just BE me and let the world swirl around me.
Okay, on to the wonderful horoscope.
June 8, 2007
No Proof Necessary
Aries Daily Horoscope
Your passions can interfere with your ability to relate peacefully with others today. You are likely feeling intensely overconfident regarding your opinions and beliefs, so you may feel that it is your responsibility to share your views with the world. However, while there will likely be those who listen eagerly to what you have to say, others may question the validity of your ideology. If you argue to prove your point today, you could lose out on a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the world. Keep in mind that your beliefs and opinions should meet your needs and that others’ individual philosophies likely meet their needs.
Being right is not a matter of proving the validity of our position to others. It is the knowledge that our stance is the right one for us at this time and can stand on its own, granting us confidence and a stronger sense of purpose. People take part in debates because they enjoy the rush they feel while defending their values and opinions in a public forum. Yet our words will seldom convince anyone that we have discovered something worthy of further exploration. When we choose to forgo arguments and live our lives as we see fit, our copious self-belief will see us through any doubt we may feel. And because we are true to our authenticity, we may even become a source of inspiration to those looking for a deeper understanding of being. You will feel no need to prove yourself today when you recognize that your beliefs and values are right for you and you alone.