while we were talking
I made this while we were talking
about your script.
your day.
We’ve created so many things
while chatting.
(2000 miles but still so close.)
Someone recently asked me for tips on being a good writer. I thought about it and realize that it really applies to everything in life. This is all pretty obvious, I suppose, but it’s what I’ve learned the hard way. It’s advice I would give anyone at any stage of life: Find yourself. Get a…
Like the song says, not sayin’ I don’t want to fall in love again (cuz I would) but one thing is for sure, I have learned how fabulous it is to be a free agent. Learning how to be whole within myself has been the biggest gift I’ve given myself in this life. There’s something…
You need to become a pen in the Sun’s hand. We need for the earth to sing Through our pores and eyes. The body will again become restless Until your soul paints all its beauty Upon the sky. ~Hafiz Paint it today, lovely one. I want to see it.
Last night I received a scathing comment on this blog post from a woman who is a friend of a friend. One of the people who lives on the edges of my life. The post clearly triggered her own feelings of low self-worth so she lashed out at me. In our subsequent email exchange, she…
To the East I travel to you In my heart White birch against steel sky An errant eyebrow Afire with sunlight And a sparrow flying from my throat Feathers surrendering To a meandering stream Or caught- in thorns Pungent sage and Marlboros As the hills stretch out Engulfing and –becoming abysmally wide And deep
A friend of mine recently told me, “You know, Kymberlee, you will find a man who treats you with the respect you deserve when YOU know you deserve it.” I know it’s true. My spiritual teacher, Matt Kahn, once said in satsang that our bodies and the hearts that inhabit them are works of art….