global oneness project
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Global Oneness Project
i have a thousand ways i want to distract you close your eyes and breathe in this luscious strawberry before i put it on your tongue sit with me fully clothed my head in your lap your fingers on my cheek and tell me your stories or bring your weary head (so filled with thinking)…
I bike around the lake nearly every day. It’s reasonably good exercise but I mostly do it for my spirit. I do it for the beauty and connection I feel. I do it for the way the light plays on the water, the ever-changing scents of the earth, water, plants and air. Sometimes the scents…
“It’s the every day moments of grace and despair, joy and sorrow that propel us towards our destiny. Life doesn’t have to be epic to have meaning and neither do stories. I prefer art that makes us ask deeper questions about ourselves or, at the very least, shows how fucking gorgeous and brave we are…
I had a conversation last night with a friend about inner work and spirituality. We talked about how easy it is to get self-righteous and think we all have all the answers on the path of life. I related a story to her about a healing session I once had where the healer suggested I…