global oneness project
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Global Oneness Project
What if the war we see outside of us was just a mirror of the war inside? What if our purpose here isn’t to fight all of that but to just heal our own vessel? What if we stopped criticizing the world leaders and found peace inside our own hearts? What if we just loved?…
Someone recently asked me for tips on being a good writer. I thought about it and realize that it really applies to everything in life. This is all pretty obvious, I suppose, but it’s what I’ve learned the hard way. It’s advice I would give anyone at any stage of life: Find yourself. Get a…
“Inside this river there is a moon which is not a reflection. From the river bottom the moon speaks. I travel in continuous conversation with the river as it goes. Whatever is above and seemingly outside this river is actually in it. Merge with it, in here or out there, as you please. This is…
A voice keeps whispering, “Let the miracle happen.” So I am. And it is. I’m starting to believe in myself again. And the hurt has transformed into acceptance and wisdom. I see the road ahead of me again. And I see the blank canvas as exciting instead of overwhelming. The voices that have told me…
queen of cups trickling tributaries raging rivers bipolar bifurcations she, discerning choosing surrendering choosing life choosing love neither predator nor prey (finally!) an open vessel– at once overflowing and empty ready to fill and be filled