petals afire
to merge
with the vast
“has materiality and thus dimension” The randomly-chosen word of the day is world from Stand Still Like the Hummingbird by Henry Miller. I’m going to offer the entire paragraph that it came from because it’s so fantastic. It will serve nicely as today’s quote: Frankly, if we must play with this idea of saving the…
she waits with an eternal ellipses like still water after a storm Animus lunges forward toward her stillness –ready ready to receive his turgid embrace delicious Divine dance tantric transmutation they merge exhaling whispered longing circling back to their unknown, unspoken joy she waits with an eternal ellipses like still water after a storm ***…
at dusk, hundreds of crows were flying to the southeast in a sky of watermelon juice (and she sent me to see them. go to the front! just go!) at noon, we were eating french pastries and chatting about girl things (she looked at me with those unnervingly wise eyes) this morning, i kissed my…
“If you can pinpoint the exact words you’ve wanted to hear your entire life that no one has ever shared with you, and give yourself permission to openly share those words as innocent gifts of contribution with everyone you encounter, the simplicity of life purpose is effortlessly revealed.” ~ Matt Kahn There are a few…