Metallic for Photo Friday

Solar Nexus [or the infinitude of Love]
You are the perfect and radiant health of the Divine!

The Divine Intelligence that created you and knows all about you, WANTS YOU TO HAVE A JOYOUS LIFE of BLISS and FREEDOM, and is doing everything necessary for you to enjoy this HEAVENLINESS that you were made to experience.

THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS in the MIND and HEART of the DIVINE WOW. Even now the Spirit is orchestrating our circumstances for our very highest and best possible GOOD!

Divine right timing is operating in your life in all aspects, from the largest to the smallest. Nothing is happening TOO EARLY or TOO LATE.



Note: I don’t know who wrote this beautiful affirmation. My friend Trina sent it to me via email. It hands on my refrigerator door and I thought I would share it here.

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