stormy afternoon haiku
mad libs and laughter
rain crashing against windows
three girls warm and loved
Kill the Lights by Britney Spears on Grooveshark I get a lot of hits on this website, especially on my blog. Successful requests average over 1,000 per day. This fascinates me. I keep this blog as the tagline suggests, as “my journey to personal truth” and, over the years, I’ve acquired a following. Not really…
I created a new word about something I have done a lot which I am henceforth eliminating from my vocabulary. Yes, that’s right, I am both creatrix and destructrix right now, in this moment. The word is “reminiscilocomotion (verb): the act of moving forward while looking back.” I am not the girl who got “bad-touched”…
As I wrote about recently, I was bedridden for many weeks with an illness I’m still recovering from. Then last week, my daughter was sick for the entire week. Sometimes, it feels not like one step forward two steps back, but one step forward, two leaps back. Life is just messy like that sometimes. Much…
Antistrophes by Rainer Maria Rilke Ah, Women, that you should be moving here, among us, grief-filled, no more protected than we, and nevertheless able to bless like the blessed. From what realm, when your beloved appears, do you take the future? More than will ever be. One who knows distances out to the outermost star…