care for the Life around you, give it food and water
and you just never know what might pop up
from beneath the fecund earth
waiting to surprise and delight you.
When my love visited me last weekend, he would spontaneously offer me little presents like a sprig of lavendar or a little bouquet of maple leaves. My heart would open and joy and delight would flood in (and he would be showered with kisses and gratitude). Today, I asked for guidance from Spirit using my…
Random bits from my magnetic poetry board. I have “goddess” and “personal ad” words currently up. “Kinky Creative Bisexual Voluptuous Muscular Female Seeks Spiritual Erotic Yoga Sex With Beautiful Sensual Male” “Sacrifice Work And Just Love” “Bow Down To Sex Goddess” “Earth Chick Is Very Nice To Chocolate Body” “Revere Mother Earth” “Make Eternal Love” “I Celebrate…
I found this written in an old journal today. The author is unknown. “A hundred years from now it will not matter the sort of house I lived in, what my bank account was or the kind of car I drove, but the world may be different because I was important in the life of…
“It’s not like I pine away for them when I’m not with them, ” he said. My heart would be bleeding right out of my chest right now if it didn’t feel so frozen from those apathetic words. I could be flip and say ‘his loss” but it wouldn’t be authentic. When the heart goes…
Photo by John McCormick I wrote this when I was in Expressive Arts Training and pregnant with my second child. Peace is… Laying in my lover’s warm, strong arms after an explosive orgasm The soft, sweet breath of my daughter rising and falling on my cheek The feeling of rightness when I touch fertile, organic,…