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Metallic for Photo Friday
You are the perfect and radiant health of the Divine! The Divine Intelligence that created you and knows all about you, WANTS YOU TO HAVE A JOYOUS LIFE of BLISS and FREEDOM, and is doing everything necessary for you to enjoy this HEAVENLINESS that you were made to experience. THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS in the…
Child's Play
“Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.” -Heraclitus I am reading a book called Open to Desire: Embracing a Lust for Life by Dr. Mark Epstein. In it, he recounts a story of playing with his son and one of his stuffies right after the 9/11 tragedy….
Showered with Blessings
When my love visited me last weekend, he would spontaneously offer me little presents like a sprig of lavendar or a little bouquet of maple leaves. My heart would open and joy and delight would flood in (and he would be showered with kisses and gratitude). Today, I asked for guidance from Spirit using my…